The galaxies best form of industry. In the Kingdom of Toguteria. They sell weapons and many other things, they're loaded in money.
Toguterin Industries makes my weapons!
by Randonarchy April 3, 2021
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The effect of Military-Industrial-Political Complex INSANITY, relying heavily upon Disease, Misery &*WRONG* to keep the World flowing around the MONEY!MONEY!MONEY! using 'Treatment' rather than Cure.
Opioids and Big PHarma* are classic expression of the Misery-Industrial-Complex in fucktion*.
by PartisanZ July 26, 2022
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(a very offensive term I found on Craigslist): for a Western country to be letting in immigrants from Third World countries and at the same time outsourcing the low skilled jobs that these immigrants are capable of doing.
before embarking on an Immigration Industry policy, Western governments should, IMHO, first learn what ethnocultural neo-anthropology is all about ethno
by Sexydimma February 13, 2015
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(a very offensive term I found on Craigslist): for a Western country to be letting in immigrants, even undocumented immigrants with no criminal records, from Third World countries and at the same time outsourcing the low skilled jobs that these immigrants are capable of doing.

before embarking on an Immigration Industry policy, Western governments should, IMHO, first learn what ethnocultural neo-anthropology is all about
by Sexydimma November 22, 2016
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a clothing brand that's popular in Cyprus and all the popular kids wear it because they think it's cool
"I got that 200 euro alpha industries jacket yesterday, I bet the bitches are gonna call me hot"
by halloumaki February 16, 2022
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The industry that wants control of all sides of the story, therefore the media claims to tell all sides of the story and be on everyone's side.
What the media and grief/tragedy/sympathy industry won't tell people is how on their own they really are, and how the industry doesn't give a fuck about them, it's a machine that depends on them to keep running.
by The Original Agahnim September 28, 2021
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An industry that pretends to be on your side, rooting for you instead of the events that make the industry possible (storms, crime, death, accidents, bad news).
by Solid Mantis October 9, 2020
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