by tj_itkills February 19, 2009
Tre-Fo' let me get some of that Kill-Kill!
by Dillon Shore May 1, 2008
Used as an answer for someone asking you why you did betray them while you two (or more people) where a Team in a game where playing in teams wasn't an option but you decided to be team anyways, the answer makes reference that, even being a team, at the end of the game, it was still Everyone vs Everyone, and you only used them just to achieve your goals easier via manipulation, trickery, and similar
Guy A: *gets killed by his partner while playing Skywars* DUDE, WHY DID YA KILL ME?
Guy B: because it's KILL OR BE KILLED buddy, and you FELL IN MY TRAP
Guy B: because it's KILL OR BE KILLED buddy, and you FELL IN MY TRAP
by W.D Shadow Marco C. Krueger June 5, 2017
by Sir. B August 28, 2021
by the_infinitesimal October 15, 2004
by D-boi April 16, 2007
by NikoxNazzty May 2, 2018