A popular music venue in Brighton and Hove. The main genre in the garage is, of course, garage (and some house)
Leo: Can't wait to go to The Garage tomorrow
Tom: Yeah it's gonna be wicked.
by TD05 June 30, 2021
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When your partner is having their period
Jenny is having a vampire garage sale this week, stay clear.
by Alavello February 28, 2014
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A pre-owned couch, usually found next to a free sign on the road. Seconds as a drunken urinal.
Bro.. That chick has been in the bathroom for like an hour now.

I just used the garage couch.
by Northwestnas December 14, 2014
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The "garage bong" is the bong that is used in locations, or under circumstances, that are not appropriate for expensive glass pieces. i.e. the garage, camping, or parties. It is usually a bong made from acrylic or another durable, albeit, inexpensive material. Ideally, the "garage bong" doesn't sacrifice the quality of the hit and can become a much loved mascot.
"Hey man? What's with the 'garage bong?' I thought this celebration was worthy of the monster 7mm." Reply: "Yeah, I considered it, but after a lot of thought I realized: you don't bring out the good china at a children's party. Dig it?"
by partyviking June 28, 2013
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The garage isn't a garage it's full of funk. Like garbage or . Or useless junk. Don't meet flea market standards.
You cant park in the garage cause is so full of garage funk I can taste it..
by waternymph June 27, 2017
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"The desirability of and/or your need for an item at a garage sale will be in direct inverse proportion to the likelihood of your actually being able to purchase it."
The four most common/infuriating occasions when Murphy's Law of Garage Sales holds true:
(1) A desired item is something that's just stored in the family's garage; it’s not one of the items for sale.
(2) The item has already been sold, and the homeowner is just “holding” it till the buyer gets back with either the money or a vehicle to transport the item to his own home.
(3) The item is too expensive, and the seller will not budge on the price. (Note: this is not always an "all hope is lost" situation --- you may have at least two additional options. First, try coming back again later in the day to see if the item is still unsold --- if YOU think that the item is overpriced, then most OTHER yard-sailers may think so, too, and so nobody else may have bought the item yet, either, giving you a second crack at possibly purchasing it at a reduced price, especially since by now the seller may likely feel a bit "desperate" to get rid of it. And second, have a glance at the trash-heap out front of the person’s house that evening --- sometimes unsold yard-sale items will simply be tossed out, and so you can then get them for free.)
(4) The item is something that you would logically want to test out first to make sure it operates satisfactorily, but there is no hookup for electricity/water/telephone/internet/antenna/audio/video at the site of the sale, and the stubborn owner will not allow you to either bring the item into his house or temporarily take it somewhere else to test it.
by QuacksO August 1, 2018
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When you are in the garage and you totally ignore what your spouse says while you’re playing video games on your phone.
Hey there, you are garaging me. Did you hear what I said?
by Mellie Pie July 4, 2020
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