an uphill gardener, fudge packer, turd burgler, you know what I mean
You like to wear cardigans? You're such a fucking fecal ferret!
by Charles Monkfish March 6, 2008
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1. Acronym: FSS. At the beaches in Chicago on Lake Michigan, Fecal Shock Syndrome is the result of encountering multiple soiled diapers on the beach or in the water. Symptoms include disgust, repulsion, running to get away, and later a sense of general contamination and (possibly psychosomatic) itching and general discomfort. Many people of a certain socioeconomic group in Chicago feel this is perfectly OK: baby poops, remove diaper and toss it on the beach.

2. Any instance where you see feces and it clearly does not belong there.
1. I dove in off the rocks at Montrose beach and saw three diapers floating in the water. Fecal Shock Syndrome set in immediately. I went home ant took a 30 minute shower.

2. I had fecal shock syndrome after someone shit between the dumpsters in the alley behind my apartment.
by dickie bundle September 12, 2012
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A new type of sex act where one takes his cock after anal and smears a smily face on the recipients ass cheeks
Yo i gave nicole such a fecal smear last night, that girl needs to lay off the taco bell for awhile. There was such much shit i could have made a shit rainbow on her back
by Insert Name Here March 13, 2015
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When attempting to insert fist inside anal canal, the hand starts by making a funnel shape with the four fingers and thumb, simulating fecal matter leaving the anus. Similar to fetal funnel when the same process is applied to the vagina.
I applied the fecal funnel on her before she had an anal reflex and defecated on me.
by agentmiket013 September 27, 2017
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Someone one who has nightmares about poo
Had another fecal Freddy last night and now I’m tired
by few2020 November 10, 2021
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When the fecal matter you're defacating has the consistency of treacle
I really need to eat more fiber, it's impossible to push out all the fecal treacle
by Matt.Ed September 22, 2020
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