A pressurized Douche; someone who is so unpleasant that its just unbearable to be around them.
That guy is such a douche pump, I wish he wouldn't follow us around asking to smoke hookah so much. He should be dildo spiked.
by Dr SlangBang May 12, 2010
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To be an asshole without actually knowing jack shit about your topic
Alex Stroube is the most pretentious douche I've ever met.
by SimplyShrimp February 4, 2015
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Hey Norm, don't forget to douche out that carafay before you start a new pot of coffee!
by Telephony July 17, 2014
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a game similar to "punchbuggie" where you punch someone and yell "douche car!" when you see one.
Criteria for a douchcar include:
- super loud music
- people hollering out the windows
- cheesy painting
- speeding with loud muffler
- a douche is driving the car
- vanity plate
- low riding
- ridiculous rims or spoilers
one or any combination of there douche factors can classify something as a douche car and you can punch someone for it, but once they punch you you can't punch them for the same car.
*cars speeds by well guys yell profane comments at pedestrians*
Jordana: "Douchcar!" *punches kathleen*
Kathleen: "ya that was a douche car"
by JordanaKathleen February 11, 2012
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When someone who recently had unprotected sex douches using Mountain Dew hoping that the yellow 5 will kill the sperm.
Elizabeth: I can't believe I didn't use protection.
Julie: Don't worry, you should try mountain douching.
by Anhydrous-Caffeine February 25, 2011
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Someone who gets really involved in a job and lives for the weekend
Guy 1: Hey, shall we go see Transformers on Tuesday night? That new, admittedly horse-like replacement for Megan Fox will be adequate for me to part with my cash to see that sub-standard movie
Guy 2: Yeah man, I'll invite Tim, I always enjoy his witty and insightful comments
Guy 3: He has to work on weekdays. He's a job douche now.
by Blargle Margle July 24, 2011
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You call that a man bun, but I call it a Douche Donut.
by ddonley88 April 15, 2016
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