A sweet kind person. Also a big kpop stan. Made Nadia fight with jaydan over her love. Hopefully that never happens again
“Bridgette bear is the biggest kpop Stan out there…”
by really hot person December 31, 2022
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Someone who is into really kinky sex dresses up in a bear costume and pours honey all over themselve then the male jerks off and giver her his honey
lets go to the bedroom and dress up as a hunny bear for kinky sex
by MrBool12 October 4, 2018
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1. (noun) something unstoppable

2. (noun) a phrase that you would do almost anything to understand

3. (noun) a story stolen from a friend and told as if it were your own
"can't stop the bear drive..."
"what the hell does that mean?!"
"i dunno... ask J.A."
by ;) December 3, 2004
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A loving and hilarious being who is always there for his friends and knows how to give the best hugs. It is also known for being the most awesome at anything they do. And they are known for being extrememly smart.
Geoff: "OMG. Your such a good friend, you must be a woolley bear."

Sierra: "IKR! I just want to hug him. He's such a woolley bear."

Jordan: "Yeah, I'm just like a woolley bear, I know."
by sierruh0824 August 8, 2011
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Also called a bear bag. A sack, usually made from nylon, containing food and hung from a rope over a high tree branch to keep the food from being eaten by a bear overnight while on a backpacking trip. The job of hanging the food is often done badly, especially when hikers are tired, giving bears plenty of chances to get good at taking them down.
After 15 miles on the trail, Dave was too tired to hang the food right and turned our meals for the next three days into a bear piñata.
by Aginghiker April 9, 2023
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a puma so fat it looks like a bear.
I would say run, but that puma bear is to fat to do anything
by bunn1ey April 8, 2022
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an inclusive umbrella term encompassing anyone whom wants to cherish their manhood
Used to be a bear, but is now a demi bear.
by suck_my_d33 June 15, 2021
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