When a chicken and a basketball get fucking beat so hard the cock can't produce any more eggs, and the basketball can't be played with.
Cock n' Ball Torture is a good way to not pay child support
by 53414539 April 29, 2022
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The act of dropping a bowling ball on a Zoophile or similar offenders Dick, crushing it and destroying it.
Guy 1: Bro I used cock n ball torture on this one zoophile! Guy 2: Thats awesome!!!!
by xRyco February 6, 2022
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defined as torture of the male genitalia and testicles, that is um, pleasurable to say the least
" Stfu before I give you Cock n Ball Torture".
by cottage toes December 13, 2021
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The greatest soul in existence. You should consider yourself lucky to have a Torturer in your life because without him you’d be nothing
Damn bruh, is that Jay? He’s such a Torturer
by The Hunters Elite Force January 20, 2022
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The act of slow torture but with small objects like needles, pens, and little 4 inch pocket knives
Whilst Jonathan was strapped to the chair Jesse preformed micro torture for hours on him until he told him what he wanted.
by psyclime4ed August 28, 2023
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Chinese Penis Torture is the act of repeatedly slapping your erect penis across ones forehead.
1) Hey Daddy, how bout' you gimme some Chinese Penis Torture?
2) Could you give a facial and some Chinese Penis Torture?
3) Daddy I love that Chinese Penis Torture! *Moans*
by Horny Mother Fuckers Love Me! October 15, 2022
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dammmmm cock and balls torture are good
by caitocuteypie November 7, 2021
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