Aggression is when someone wants to be alone,because something or others make them mad,they become aggressive.Agression can result in hitting or screaming
I don't want aggressive friends,they get on my nerves.
by Peopleareannoying109 August 12, 2021
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"Hey, what does aggressive mean?"
"Oh, just go on YouTube and look up Victoria Adeyinka."
"Oh, thank you!"
by Idek_what_this_is_lol January 4, 2022
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The intentional understanding of asking a question that truly doesn't need an answer from a person which you know is about to go ballistic. Quietly waiting to intercede with a "why you trippin'?." Knowing intentional gratitude of mischievous energy towards another.
Yeah I'm about to show you some passive aggressive antagonistic shit!! . I'm About to drive this person crazy with 1 sentence and watch them don't know why they talking for 23 minutes for no reason. 🤔😂
by The UrbanPalate April 1, 2022
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when you want to throw your laptop through the wall because you can't remember your effin' password.
That dent in the wall? That's where I threw my smartphone. I tried three times to enter my password and got locked out. I was feeling very password aggressive.
by mumrock February 12, 2016
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To be Passive-Agressive about your political point, especially around people or a community that is extremely hostile to your opinion.
*shares quote about Anne Frank’s notes about people getting abducted from their homes, trying to hint about ICE raids*

Followers: Hey, you can be open about what you believe in.

Me: Can I? I’m legally not allowed to talk about my beliefs online because of my employment, and that’s why I’m being so Political-Aggressive.
by JusticeIsBlind August 10, 2019
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The act of loitering that can be deemed as being aggressive, with examples such as loitering in front of a mall door to prevent people entering.
We now begin the trial of Dofy Doofer for the crime of aggressive loitering.
by silvervoid22 September 12, 2018
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