When there is a one way mirror in the place you are doing the development tango and you don’t realise so someone is watching you
Wow mirror spectating is some good stuff it me stand up
by Cichy club December 20, 2021
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For a women to fart during intercourse while the penis is still in the vagina in front of a mirror
Oh she pulled the old Seattle smoke and mirror trick on me last night
by Spliff deathstar March 4, 2023
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when a greasy teen pops his or hers pimples and it gets on the mirror
fuck bro that was a litter mirror
by pants dog little December 21, 2017
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Mirroring Society it's when you take society in its rawest form and show it. Only comrades and Antifa can do so, don't try Karen.
''Suicide it's more common than you know''
''Woah... is it bad?''
''They do that because of society. It means that we are doing something wrong''
''Man, you are really mirroring society''.
by COMRADES, RISE UP December 5, 2020
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As Malte, Vilmer, and Johan traveled across the land, they received word of a new danger. A strange mirror monster had been spotted in the region, and it was said to possess the power to copy the abilities of anyone who faced it.

Knowing that this foe would be a formidable challenge, the trio set out to track down the mirror monster and put an end to its reign of terror.

After days of searching, they finally found the monster in a cave deep in the heart of the mountains. The monster, a shimmering mass of glass and mirrors, shifted and changed as it saw the trio approach.

Malte charged forward, his sword at the ready. But the mirror monster quickly copied his moves, matching every strike with equal force. Vilmer tried to use his love of pulled pork to overpower the monster, but it merely mimicked his strength, leaving Vilmer at a disadvantage.

Even Johan, with his power of seeing into the future, found that the monster was able to anticipate his moves and counter them.
The battle raged on, with the mirror monster copying each of the trio's powers and using them against them. It seemed like an impossible task to defeat such a foe, but the trio refused to give up.

As they fought, they realized that they would need to work together if they were to stand a chance against the mirror monster. They came up with a plan to confuse the monster by each using their powers in an unexpected way.

Malte used his sword to reflect the sunlight into the monster's eyes, blinding it for a moment. Vilmer threw a piece of pulled pork into the air, distracting the monster long enough for Johan to use his power to predict the monster's next move.

The plan worked, and the trio gained the upper hand. They continued to fight the monster, each using their powers in new and unexpected ways, until finally, the mirror monster shattered into a million pieces.

Exhausted but victorious, Malte, Vilmer, and Johan emerged from the cave, knowing that their bond had grown even stronger through the fight. They knew that they would face new challenges in the future, but they were confident that together, they could overcome anything that came their way.
by Onegreatstorytellerdude. February 15, 2023
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mirror pic means you think i’m the best person to exist and you would die to be me, you are also deeply and madly in love with me.
Oh yeah i sent her a mirror pic, she’s the best.”
by bellapxwer April 22, 2022
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