The left-over of a KFC Freeze of any flavour, mixed with an energy drink to create a variation of the popular drink ‘Lean’ or ‘Wocky’.
Hey Josh can i mix my Redbull with your left-over raspberry KFC freeze? I want to make a KFC Wocky
by ETC6 September 15, 2023
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When you take a fat shit with diahrea into a seven eleven slurpy cup and give it to the nearest homeless man
by DanTe1° January 9, 2021
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Frozen lean aka purple drank aka sizzurp aka dirty sprite aka drank
Friend 1: “Wow, @charlie_bolich on Instagram is selling Wocky Slushes, is that even legal
Friend 2: “Yes”
by _foenem December 6, 2020
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extremely wocky substances that often cause erectile dysfunction and/or serious aids
That thang bleedin yaw i mean. WOCKY SLUSH, that thang bleedin peete
by Hammered Hammy December 23, 2020
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A version of lean but its frozen
Camera man: That thing bleeding to the, y'know what I mean

Squilliam Fancyson: Wocky slush

Camera man: That thang bleedin' p
by Not.A.Porn.Addict January 31, 2021
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wocky nigga nuts is when someones nuts is wocky and nigga like
man that boy got some wocky nigga nuts
by wocky nuts masta March 16, 2021
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