Teenagers aren't all weed smokers and gangbangers. And for the ones who are thats because the STUPID adult they are living with don't have a cluse and obviously can't raise a child. teenagers are going through the most important period in a persons life. During this Time period you find out who you are and what you can do. You start a real relationship, you get your heart broken and you prepare for the rest of your life...Something most adults haven't thought about yet bacause they too busy getting drunk on their mothers couch to think about any thing else
Adult one: You ain't no good you are just like your father.
Teenager 1: You made me like my father but its best I'm not like you
Adult one: How about you go live with him
Teenager 1: If you had asked him his name I probably could

Adults make their problems out of ours!!!!Thats why we rebell!!!
by lovelytie November 26, 2007
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A legal and cultural age set in modern America defined to infantilize, pamper, stifle, and enculturate young adults. Historically a development of the clan-phobic American attempt to shunt social constraint of young adults from the family to the educracy. This phenomenon is supported by widely held myths of "adolescent rebellion", which is often paradoxically feared and stimulated by zealous custom. see teenteen
"I got married at 15, so I never really was a teenager."
by Brighid N May 10, 2003
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someone that does not have a fully developed brain yet. the brain does not fully develop until the age of about 24. this explains the stereotype behavior and attitude of a teenager. the brain controls most things important in the human. the teenagers brain has not finished developing in some areas.. one area being a part that tells them that "this is wrong" or "you could die from this". this is why they so easily do drugs, smoke, speed and hav unprotected sex.. as they simply don't think "anything will happen to them". its not their fault. its all part of growing up. and everyone goes through it. so fucking back off you tight ass adults who have nothing better to do all day than complain about teenagers and what they do.
teen boy: bro i got up ta 180 on the motorway bro.
teen boy2: ayy thats fucking mad ay.
teen boy: yeah gona do it now wana come?
teen boy2:of course bro.

adult: teenagers and their fucking cars, dont they know they could die??
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An emotionally under-developed, materialistic, thinks-he-knows-it-all child between the ages of 12-20 who pushes his parents' sanity to the limit.
I used to think that God would not send one more than he could handle - and then I met a teenager.
by Loxi July 21, 2009
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The quantity 1.75 grams of cocaine.
How much blow should we get, man?

A teenager.
by Theresa March 7, 2005
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Someone who is confused 24/7, has no idea what s/he wants to do with his/her life, is probably doing something really stupid right now because of their confusion, is ungrateful, moody, self-centered, and is either really self-conscious or really arrogant. Teenagers are confused because they question everything the see or hear, and they can't figure out what to believe, and what’s wrong or right. Some ways that adults can help teenagers through this rough time is 1) remembering what it felt like to be a teenager and relating their experiences to that of the teenager, 2) listening to what the teenager has to say instead of figuring that their opinions aren't valid, 3) letting them know that the adult cares about them and that the adult would do anything to make their hardships disappear, and, 4) by being as understanding as possible, no matter how ungrateful, stupid, and self-centered the teenager acts. Some ways that a teenager can be healthy and happy is 1) just being YOURSELF; stop acting the way “everyone else” is and do things because you think they are the right thing to do, not because somebody else said they are the right thing to do, 2) by mentally saying “Fuck you” to whoever steps on you and tries to tell you that you are worthless, and just moving on, 3) by being practical and not so impulsive, and keeping in mind that its normal to have intense sexual desire and intense confusion, and that acting on pure impulses is self-destructive and will not necessarily make you happy, 4) by keeping in mind that its OKAY if you don’t know what you want to do with your life right away; it will come naturally, so don’t force it or you will probably get frustrated, 5) by remembering that although many adults will try to manipulate you, that doesn’t mean you can’t trust any of them. Search for the ones you think you can trust, and let them give you advice, and, 6) by not taking life too seriously; laughing often and trying to use your inner wisdom to get you through this hellish thing we call life.

I hope this will help you and that it is somewhat valid; I’m 16 years old, so if you are a teenager, know that we are in this together even though I don’t know you. Peace.
I really hope that I am not a stereotypical teenager.
by You Shall Never Know January 6, 2007
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A human like creatures, that causes mischief.
The groups of teenagers, tagged the building. Said the police officer.
by mujahidul May 25, 2008
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