Someone that gives exclusive blowjobs...
That niggah sucks so much dick, he a smokey!
by MechanicalFury May 14, 2004
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Bri: How's the party
Noah: It's smokey
Bri: What?
Noah: Smokey. You know not quite lit, but smokey
by bri.noah May 29, 2017
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A dog that gets beat for pooping and peeing in the house. The Smokey gets beat to near death.
As used in a sentence... "God Da**it smokey!"
sentence 2 ... "Smokey you stay off that d**n counter or I will beat your a*s!"
by Caboose4111 April 24, 2010
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commonly known as a blojob.
when a female goes "down" on her female counterpart and pleasures him.
aye smokey ther really gd
by d brennan frm st. pats April 21, 2005
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Sexiest male forumer at that all the guys want to be and all the girls want to fellate.
That's Smokey, I want to be him.

That's Smokey, I want to fellate him.
by Definately not Smokey October 29, 2003
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1) A verb to describe oral fellatio
2) Or my nickname, but not because I get head...because I love teh pot
That bitch was hookin him up with some smokey right as I turned on the light, damn slut!
by Christopher Thomas Morgan July 29, 2003
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A term used to describe when someone is lying
Person A: No, I didn't get drunk last night.
Person B: Man, it's getting smokey in here.
by jordanma September 11, 2007
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