An attempt at using math, common to industries affected by piracy. This calculation involves a severe understanding of internets and/or no conception of worth.
"Using maf, offline book "Lending" costs US Publishers nearly $1 Trillion"
by trueslider January 19, 2010
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Acronym for Metal As Fuck, usually found plastered over the local scene and hardcore kids MySpaces or groups.
Bob Dole MAF
That show was so fucking MAF, it was insane.

A typical MySpace display name. Apparently it's a group now, rather than a glimpse at your musical "roots".
by The Wisp April 12, 2007
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"Have you had your MAF today?" "Would you like your MAF with lube or without?" "God, I need a good MAF right now!"
by ToddF September 28, 2007
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When your laptop doesn't turn on because it is out of charge. you have no idea why it is not working and you go to an I.T worker to fix the problem. When you get there the I.T worker plugs your laptop to charge it turns on instantly....... FUCK
Christian: wtf is my laptop turning on.
.... 2 days later ...
Christian: so my computer for some reason hasn't been turning on.
(I.T worker puts cable into computer)
I.T Worker: you dumb shit!
Christian: indeed.
by Ucringeme June 7, 2017
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Mad AF. You can type this when you you're in a hurry and you can't figure out anything to say to express how mad you are.
Girl: Ugh..... Ms. Harper made me so... angry.... so..
Dude: Maf??

Girl: Yeah... exactly!!!
by asiaisthebaest January 14, 2015
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A type of math used by Big Shaq.
Two plus two is four, minus one that’s three quick mafs.
by Man’s know mafs December 23, 2017
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1. short for hermaphrodite
2. general insult towards someone, although usually in good humor
1. "they were all mafs at that place i tell you"
2. "dude, you fucking maf!"
by danix May 26, 2007
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