Of or having the belief that individual liberty should be held sacred above all else. People who are libertarian believe in freedom from tyranny and government oppression and want everyone to just follow the golden rule and treat each other as they'd like to be treated also known as the Non-Aggression Principle or NAP which simplified, means that you are to do no harm to others or their property lest they do harm to you. Basically, libertarians just want everybody to be free and to be left alone aside from voluntary interactions.
Dan is libertarian because he believes that his rights are not subject to mob rule and are inherent from birth and not something that can be voted on.
by DanTheUrbanDickMan January 23, 2019
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1. (n.) One who believes that the ultimate good in a political system is to keep government regulation at an absolute minimum, particularly by eliminating laws based on their validity (or lack thereof) within a free society.

2. (n.) A member of the U.S. political party of the same name.

3. (adj.) the state of adhering to the principle of libertarian politics. "This bill is based on libertarian values."
Libertarians contrast with the Republican and Democratic parties because the libertarian belief is that government should be minimized or eliminated in all areas, even those that they don't personally support, while other political parties tend to promote freedom in some issues but government control in others. While the Democratic party believes in freedom for matters of recreational drug use and the Republican party believes in the freedom to own guns, libertarians are typically against regulation for both issues.

Libertarians themselves do not all necessarily share equal standards for personal behavior (though some may be common), as their philosophy is based almost entirely on knowing when something isn't anybody else's business. For example, many do not think recreational drug use is a good idea, but do not want to enact laws making that choice for others.
by ed July 26, 2004
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A libertarian believes his right to swing his arms ends where his neighbor's nose begins. Government's sole function is to guard that relationship.
A libertarian won't dump used motor oil where it will taint someone else's water.
by TomS April 13, 2006
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Advocates of free will, protecting of all rights natural or other, truest most tangible liberty and justice for all. They herald those who protect freedoms, despise those who trounce upon it, are proud of the rich, want to see the poor better themselves, see all races as equal and equally capable,
defy the institutions that dare to regulate our private lives and public opinions, and are the be-all, end-all majority of the middle class whether you know it or not.
by X-S~ April 6, 2004
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1. A person who wants to downsize government, and government control over the lives of citizens.

2. Philosophically, a person who advocates an ideal balance between freedom and responsibility.

3. A person who believes that "stupidity should be painful", and that painfulness is the surest remedy to rid the world of stupid people -- who will either cease to be stupid, or simply cease to be.
I am a libertarian. I am pro-choice. I am counter-feminist. I am pro-hemp. I am against the war on drugs. I am against political correctness. I am atheist. I insist on the separation of church and state. I think that capitalism is a dangerous servant and a fearful master, but indispensable to life just like fire, and like fire must be closely watched and contained --NOT by government, but by deeply embedded cultural sanctions. ( Ahem! home-school your children well!)

I am also very, very "green", since one planet is all we get, folks!
Some libertarians out there might not agree with all of the above....
by fidelbogen October 5, 2004
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A person who very strongly believes in principle of 'no INITIATION of force is allowed', with government being included in the most frequent initiators of force, i.e. abusers.

Libertarians typically view government as a source of fraud, economic waste, political insanity, cronyism and legally created monopolies, as opposed to the body delivering important social services (see statists). Many libertarians believe that government per se, as such, costs people more than its non-existence.

Libertarians divide mainly into minarchists (proponents of minimum government) and anarchists (proponents of no government).

Minarchists want government to be protector 'against force and fraud'. Anarchists want reliance on other social mechanisms, such as local community, common law, and free market for defence against such.

There is an important difference between classical liberals and liberatarians: libertarians advocate free market for reasons related to individual rights, while classical liberals advocate free market for social utility.

Notable examples of anarchist libertarians are David D. Friedman, professor of law, and Vernon Vinge, mathematician and scifi writer.
Libertarians believe government is monopoly of force serving the monopolists and politically connected VIPs, not the people.

There's no such thing as society, there are only individuals.

Self-interest trumps ideology.

Liberals are liars and conservatives are cowards.
by mrkafk February 25, 2006
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A member of an American political party founded in 1971 who supports the following policies:
1. Defend America’s border, practice isolationism, and ban the draft.
2. Allow immigration regardless of linguistic or economic skills.
3. Ban government discrimination against persons.
4. Disallow personhood for viable fetuses.
5. Prevent endorsement of religion by the government.
6. Allow gays to get married and serve in the military.
7. Private all natural resources including all land owned by the government.
8. Stop regulation of money and currency.
9. Replace all income and property taxes with other unspecified taxes.
10. Mandate balanced government budgets. Eliminate most government spending, except on enforcement of laws against force and fraud.
11. Prevent coercion, enforce contracts, and protect free personal association.
12. Nullify all limits on private ownership of military weaponry.
13. Allow all non-coercive economic association and repeal all antitrust laws.
14. Rely solely on torts to regulate pollution and other externalities.
15. Depend only on charity to help the poor.
16. Allow all free markets to manage industries, including natural monopolies.
The Libertarian party was founded to promote personal freedom and responsibilty by only giving the state the power to prevent force and fraud.
by hummerh3 April 30, 2004
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