A combination between the concept of eternity and internet to name a really really slow connection.
I cant download my tv show on this crappy internet, it takes forever. Its internity
by Jason MDC December 9, 2009
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a noun referring to a person who is reduced to slave labor.

An intern works for no pay, and their main job is to get coffee and obey each demand by their employer.
"Melanie clean the floors you intern"

"Why are you so poor? Oh wait, I know because you're an intern"
by BrittonMelanieinc August 8, 2009
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a person that is a man of the world, he or she has been all over the world, generally a cool person
Person 1: Why weren't you at the crazy high school party last night?
Person 2:I was at like 20 parties in 18 countries. I'm international. Didn't you know that.
Person 1: I remember that now.

Student: Teach(er)! I'm gonna be out of town for the weekend what the heck is the world.
Teacher: Wait aren't you that kid whose completely international that we talk about at department meetings.
Student: Yes and I have a lot of real estate holdings.
Teacher: Can you hook me up with a timeshare in Aruba
Student: Fo show. I got that fo show.
Teacher:How much is it gonna cost?
Student: $200,000?
Teacher: I can easily afford that.
Student: Whats the work?
Teacher: Don't you know that completely international people are exempt from homework, income tax, and Sexual Transmitted Infections??????
by The Most Interesting Man March 12, 2008
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The Interntionals are jews. Used in the form of ”International element” or ”The International Banks” by Germans in the 30s it’s a way of talking about them under the radar.
Dave: Calm down there buddy.
by SAANTIJK July 26, 2018
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An extremely gorgeous college or university student in their 20's who usually works for no pay between semesters in order to gain more experience. Their job is to fill in hours where most people would not.
"Hey, you're in college. You'll do work that no one else wants to do, as long is it's for credit. Wanna be an intern this summer?"
"Sure, can I get paid?"
"No, of course not, you're an intern."
by BDGRhockey August 20, 2011
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"Maybe I'll get on the Internet a little before work, or internate, if you will."
by Newslacker April 5, 2006
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