Fuck that.

Commitment is like puss. You get a taste, think its okay then BAM! it sucks. Really, Really sucks. Avoid if possible.
Girl: "I love you"
Guy is a fucking speck on the horizon.

Commitment: Yeah right.
by Bizazy September 5, 2007
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What crazy women try to trap unsuspecting men into. Women often use manipulating words and their sweet vag to get it. Having children is also an option. Bring your own condoms, get in, get off, and get out to avoid.
Jenna wanted commitment from MArk and trapped him by poking holes in the condom.
by Marcus-Aurelius July 28, 2010
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The more modern form of 'dating', where one person asks another to be their boyfriend of girlfriend, and then from that point they think they're in love. There are tons of hurt feelings in the event of an early break off, as well as a late one. Unlike traditional dating where the two may decide not to see each other after a few dates.
"Will you go out with me?"
"Awesome! I love you."
"I love you too"

"Dude, what happened between Angela and Mark?"
"They broke up. I told them committing was a bad idea, but they didn't listen."
by MultiKillJeZeus September 12, 2011
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Soon to be a big hit on NBC. Sitcom about a bunch of Friends in New York.

Hmmm... sound familiar?
Committed was released in January and it soon was cancelled.
by The All-Knower December 27, 2005
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A form of social pressure that attempts to shame a person into abandoning a lifestyle that is happy and free.
Hey John, did you notice how she asked me "when" I was getting married again, even though I'm not even dating anyone seriously? I know that she wasn't being malicious, but it was still commitment harassment.
by Chad Apollo January 13, 2018
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