noun a bad ass motherf*cker that you shouldn't mess with.
Guy 1: hey look at that punk, let's rob em!
Guy 2: Nah man, that's Chatch!
by ChatchD247 October 21, 2004
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Another term for wasted and stoned stupid
I can't smoked no more I'm already chatched!
by ChatchD247 October 21, 2004
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To be or act as a Timothy
Timothy is a Chatche
by Mr.Chatche October 15, 2020
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An idiot, generally in a slightly amusing way.
Josh: "Do crabs think fish can fly?"

David: "Dude you're such a chatche"
by DerangedCoffee December 7, 2016
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When ‘on the seshcotton mouth creates a kind of white pastey saliva in the corner of one’s mouth.
‘Mate- you’ve got a bit of chatch there’
by Daniellejoyx January 13, 2019
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Slang for vagina or crotch interchangeably. Primarily used to keep the subject matter low key or hush hush, if you will.

Pronounced (Chaw-ch)
Ah man, another perfectly good chatch blown out during childbirth. What a shame.
by Moose_Balls7 May 4, 2023
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An awkward, extremely feminine male that likes to play video games in their free time. A chatch is also a name used when somebody talks about their "YOLO" adventures on their weekend. All in all, a chatch is a faggot.
"See that kid Rob? He so weird"
"Yeah what a chatch"
by swagthough May 21, 2013
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