This word is posted to a topic tread if the poster wants to re-call attention to the thread.
Most regular forum users typically hit "new posts" to read new posts since their last visit, so an old topic will be lost to these readers. Bumping a topic is essentially "bumping" it back into view for most readers.
by mackaroon May 18, 2005
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'To Bump' something is to snort a drug. Usually Ketamine but can be speed or coke.
To have 'A Bump' is to snort a small, conveniant amount of the above substances. Usually on the corner of a credit card or a small line snorted from your hand or otherwise.
At home: "Let's 'bump' a some fat line's of K and get into a K-Hole."
At a Club: "Here, have 'a bump' offa this bankcard."
by Diego August 18, 2003
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A common problem with body piercings. When a piercing, especially a facial piercing, becomes infected it creates a swollen bump near the opening of the hole. This bump can sometimes become inflamed, turn red, fill with pus, or just be scar tissue.

It happens so often that by saying "the bump", it will be understood what you're talking about.


insufficient cleaning of the piercing
changing the jewelery before it is healed
allergies to the metal of the jewelery
body rejecting the piercing
A: Man, I got the bump again on my nose.
B: Soak it in salt water, it'll be gone in no time.
by bleigiessen January 5, 2010
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Verb. created in Florida meaning to fight.
"Aye look over they bout to bump" "yall aint gon bump bout it"
by shethickkkk May 22, 2014
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To be left out or left on your own by a group of people
Person 1: Did nobody tell you about that party?
Person 2: No!
Person 1: You've been Bumped!
by EPC April 2, 2008
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Kaleigh: "Hey Dianne! Jason and I bumped all last night!"

Dianne: "That's great. I am going to go feed some cows hamburgers now."
by fondledonionrings October 9, 2010
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speakers, subs, woofers (sometimes with bad quality)
Guffey: "Hey u guys! check out muh bumps."
by Guffey December 25, 2003
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