the skin between your fingers
ouch i got a papercut on my weenis!!!
by Josh July 14, 2003
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well the weenis is something that you hook up to a boat and pile a whole bunch of people on and go its probably the funnest thing in the kind of looks like a giant hot dog
-i get the tip of the weenis!
-lets play some weenis survivor!!!
by rayna May 28, 2004
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my definition is a weenie/ aren't quite grown but u aint a young kid. its like the premature age
you dont have a big jus a lil have a weenis!
by redlady August 22, 2009
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Weenis (short for slippy weenis) is the last dildosaur. His homepage can be found at - His hobbies are: running, smiling and secks.
Mmmkay secks on ur weenis!!1
by yoshi July 29, 2004
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A word I made up, that I was unaware others made up too. I made it up when somebody I know said that a hot dog looked like a penis. My intention was to use the word as a joke and play a prank on both my brother and my parents by having my brother ask my parents what a weenis was because it sounds like it might be an obscene word, but it really isn't in the general dictionary.
"Hey Dad, what's a weenis?," asked my brother.
"There is no such thing." Said my Dad, frustatingly.
Quietly, I laughed, knowing I had once again succeeded in one of my pranks.
by JoshuaM November 27, 2005
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a combination of weiner and penis, it's someone who is not not quite being a dick but acting a little more lame than being a weiner.
Nadine is being such a weenis today, which is no surprise cause she is the original weenis!
by godfather2069 August 26, 2009
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