You know your with you girl, things are all good (or so you think). Then bang, your girl dumps you and starts dating your mate. You've been stubbed.
by Mikie G January 6, 2006
Latishna decided she'd rather get stubbed after the Saturday night party so she started to flirt with the guy with short man syndrome.
by jfergkillah September 28, 2008
In Wikipedia - a very short article giving only a basic definition and waiting to be expanded to a featured article.
by Ple ple July 23, 2008
a little dick.
by Ben November 25, 2003
by Kruh October 26, 2003
by Big N8 November 10, 2017
A penis that is not of adequate size. It also may refer to a person that has a small penis. Also it may refer to goo who is stub.
by lamana March 31, 2006