To get beaten by surprise.
When you expect to win big, and are smug about the outcome.
Then later find out you got your butt whipped by a large margin.
To find out you are a loser.
Campaign worker: " The final votes are in Mr. President, you've
been Romneyed."
by jsd9632 November 7, 2012
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Verb: The act of snowballing Santorum back and forth between two or more parties.
Ryan: Trying to Romney?

Cindy: Romneying is gross!

Ryan: I like it dirty, lets Romney.
by Yochai Wawsop June 1, 2012
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The three and a half hour window in which a grown man running for president can change his deeply held conviction to its opposite.
Oh my G-d we've been in this f'in car for two and a half romneys now, I need to pee, no I don't. (as heard on The Daily Show, 1-March-2012)
by nuninthemorning March 4, 2012
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A mediocre and boring choice that is the only real option because all other options are fucking insane or impossible.

Based of the 2012 republican candidate Mitt Romney campaigning against Gingrich, Santorum and Paul.
Guy 1- “You have the choice of eating prunes, broken glass, used condemns, or grilled unicorn. What’s your choice?”
Guy 2- “I guess I’ll go with the Romney and take the prunes.”
by bhunt8989 February 15, 2012
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A unit for measuring time: defined as the 3 1/2 hour window in which a grown man, running for president, can change his deeply held conviction to its opposite.
Oh my God, we've been in this car for two and a half Romneys now!
by SavagePetunia March 2, 2012
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a measure of time, the Romney, is defined as the 3 1/2 hour window in which a grown man running for president can change his deeply held conviction to its opposite.

the Romney was first proposed by John Stuart on the Daily Show, 2012/03/01
oh my god, I've been in this f'ing car for 2 and a half Romney now, I need to pee... no i don't
by stevehhh March 3, 2012
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To bend someone over and take them from behind without using lube.
by rogman August 11, 2012
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