OH shit! Check out these pictures from last night; you body-checked a cop and I pissed on the patrol car, we were piled! I didn't even remember!
by hotlass January 11, 2011
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A former friend, being influenced by another negativly. A complete && utter waste of time. Someone who is constantly flaking, being gay, decietful, sneaky, && lieing. Pretty much being a tiny speck on the distant coast of sanity. Someone who is constantly the hot g
Alex: Naw ii have to go do chores.
Ali: Dood your a fucking pile, this is the 6th time this week you've had to do chores.
by Alii Lansing July 11, 2006
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someone with a large butt, who is unpleasant to be around, and has lots of emotional baggage.
Why is that pile so obcessed with me?
by santapiles November 2, 2009
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Hay babe let's go back to your place and PILE
by Billy Montana August 22, 2006
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1. A specimen of incoherent architecture.
2. 'Roids, in the plural.
3. Short for pile o' shit, used esp. with potentially dangerous machinery.
1. The Gellert is that Art Nouveau, Neo-Gothic Turkic revival pile on the Donau.
2. That three legged beaver got piles from the hot seat.
3. Effin Aeoflot pile, thought we would die, duct tape on the fuselage...
by armsnlegs May 24, 2004
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A loser, someone who literally does nothing. Someone who thinks they're tough; worthless.
Kids literally taking his shirt off and flexing in the courtyard trying to act tough in front of the girls, what an absolute pile.
by kenny chezney March 23, 2022
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