Acronym for Post Toyam Spurt Depression; the empty feeling one gets after masturbating.
Ben masturbates so much, he hasn't gotten PTSD since he was in 1st grade.
by BV69BV June 8, 2017
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Acronym for 'Post-Traumatic Slave Disorder': the aversion among black people to anything that can be related back to slavery.
Wendy: Can you hand me a cotton ball?

Gloria: WTF! You know I can't do anything related to cotton! I have PTSD!

Wendy: Oh... sorry
by 2zigzagsremixed July 24, 2009
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Post Traumatic Snow Disorder

After having made it to work in a blizzard, only 3 hours late, have warmed yourself up with a nice cup of tea, PTSD is the sudden fading of relief amid the feelings of exhaustion and realisation that you'll have to do this all over again in order to go home, in the dark... and then come back tomorrow.

Can throw one into a catatonic twilight zone of mental and physical paralysis whereby making the decision to finally go outside for whatever reason, even for lunch, becomes impossible, regardless of whether the snow is technically preventing you from going outside or not.

Usually only affects those unused to large amounts of snow.
Fuck going outside, that blizzard gave me PTSD. I'll survive by eating the contents of the stationary cupboard til the snow leaves.
by JameyJames November 29, 2010
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Portable Toilet Shitting Disorder -

To become nauseated by the mere thought of using Porta-Potties at a public event. This is generally brought on by a disturbing or repulsive experience.
I believe I have PTSD after using those disgusting Porta-Potties at the carnival.
by Penelope Pussycat November 22, 2012
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Michael: Dude, my friend has PTSD.
Justin: Oh, that's sad.
Michael: Yeah, a Pretty Thick and Strong DICK.
by thespongeyaids May 25, 2015
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The tool used to pack down the bud at the end of your joint to make sure it’s nice and compact.
Friend: yo, got that PTSD for my blunt?

Other friend: yea man, I got you.

Friend: cheers boss
by DasFatMan March 20, 2018
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Post Thanksgiving Stretch Disorder;
The act of eating a copious amount of food on Thanksgiving and developing stretch marks on your stomach such as those pregnant women get.
Those marks are from no baby, Tanya just had a severe case of PTSD.
by Bee_Moyla November 27, 2009
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