we check for ringowrm at the nra
by andrew rocks December 19, 2006
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A Gun advocate that takes arguments made by the National Rifle Association at face value regardless of how absurd they are. Unlike regular Gun Advocates that are willing to have a calm and reasonable discussion with those whom they disagree with, the NRA Zombies have weak critical thinking skill and don't believe in fact checking before accepting what is said by the NRA.
When approached with anything outside the NRA narrative, the NRA Zombie is reacts with...

* Denial accompanied with Confirmation bias

* ad hominem attacks, including and not limited to falsely questioning one's love of country
* Empty References to Freedom
* Or verbal hostility
Paul knew by the vitriol being thrown when he mentioned the word universal background checks, that he was not talking to a regular 2nd amendment advocate. Instead he had encountered an NRA Zombie
by Libertatis September 3, 2015
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Fuck the NRA. Guns kill people. You think guns protect you? You're wrong. It's actually very hard to kill someone unless you have a car or a gun or a cliff or a bottle of poison. Harm someone? Cakewalk. Maim someone? Easy. Kill someone? Insanely difficult without the right tools/resources. I know this from personal experience as I've tried a many a times to no avail. There's nothing a gun can defend you from that won't be solved if no one else has guns of their own. The NRA is the voice of the evil gun lobbyists trying to get more guns on the street to make more profit. Every time there's a school shooting, every blithering idiot rushes to the store to buy guns to "defend themself." Where will it end? It ends here, on Urban Dictionary, with this definition.
Fuck NRA. Uzis kill people, not game.
by Bad C dev February 28, 2021
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Members of the National Rifle Association and the Republican Party who show up at public events such as town hall meetings, Presidential appearances and elections, openly carrying guns in an effort to intimidate Democrats and minorities.
Tom, did you go vote today? well I went to the town hall, but the place was surrounded by the NRA Taliban with AK-47s so I couldn't risk it.
by pixeleyz August 19, 2009
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A passionate, anti-gun regulation member of the NRA. A person that values guns more than the general public welfare. Marked often by social conservatism and gullibility. See ammosexual.
The Parkland shooting victims were harassed by NRA-holes for wanting reasonable gun control laws.
by Thomas Pace April 2, 2018
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Usually used to characterize a city or region in terms of its propensity for conservative, traditional, and Christian values, versus its tendency toward progressive, New Age, and secular thinking. Can also be applied to an individual person.

For example, San Francisco has about a 10-90 NRA-NPR ratio, whereas some of the more rural Southeastern states would be the reverse. A diverse hybrid city like New York is probably 50-50.
Dude, the NRA-NPR ratio is like 90-10.
by Geoff Lilley May 29, 2011
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An NRA convention happens when you get a bunch of people raised in the Midwest with those quavering "machine gun" voices they develop out there, and they're all talking to each other!
Enh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh! Enh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh!

When my dad, grandpa, stepmom, and aunt are all together, it's an NRA Convention!
by Downvoting Victim May 27, 2011
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