193 definitions by Bad C dev

A Node.JS multithreading library
Node.JS had poor performance so I threw piscina into the mix and now the terrible performance is offset by the utilization of all cores, which makes the software run better, even through just opening the software makes the fans whine.
by Bad C dev July 22, 2021
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A recent study suggests that although many Americans appear nice on the outside, they are secretly self-centered porn-addicted eco-oblivious entitled rapists who love nothing more than to buy an expensive car and jack off in it. The blacks? No, actually they're innocent. I was mostly referring to the middle to upper-class white gents who are so detached from reality that they shield their innocent cock-sucking porn-watching girl-stalking teenagers from watching harmless entertainment like South Park.
Today, I got a talking to by an All American Shit. As soon as I realized the situation, I tried to walk away, but I'm black, so I got lynched and, when the police showed up, they participated in the lynching and cheered it on. Fuck America, land of the free and home of the entitled jackasses.
by Bad C dev February 27, 2021
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A wallet made out of leather. What did you expect?
It felt good ejaculating into my leather wallet as a tribute to the photo of my deceased wife, whose picture I have in there.
by Bad C dev July 25, 2021
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Primal Fury spawns the following mobs:






All of these mobs are ferocious hunters, so thinking like them is the key to survival. At the same time, all of them are elligible for taming, so try trapping one of each of them in holes, if you don’t have treats for every predator, that’s okay; just give them a name so they won’t despawn!
by Bad C dev October 7, 2021
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Rap about them dogs.
I love dog rap as its rap and its about dogs and I love dogs and I love rap.
by Bad C dev October 3, 2021
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The sad state of a porn-addicted society where everyone has a dirty mind, so everything is a sex metaphor.
An elementary school teacher named Mrs. Hawthorn is a victim of our hypersexualized society. When Mrs. Hawthorn saw the first-grader sucking the horn of the unicorn on the playground, she nearly had a seizure. Mrs. Hawthorn dragged that first-grader straight to the principal, where he served detention for 3 weeks.
by Bad C dev March 1, 2021
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