Used to describe someone who is too cheeky to describe with actual words.
“Damn, you just got morged
“Yes you have to be morging kidding me”
by mharley2003 March 4, 2021
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super good. but weird and funny.. and a little promiscious.
Morge Rodway was just like that movie "Burlesque"!!!!
by DankasorousRexxx January 2, 2011
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sadly, one of the most unknown youtubers , she has over 100000 subscribers, which is much, but not as much compared to others like shit pewdiepie and such, she makes funny videos, she´s good looking, from iceland, and is very nice to her followers and such.
max: yo bud, I heard you like Morges, why?
ivar: because she is very beautiful, funny and nice.
by ivar123 June 6, 2018
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the best girlfriend in the world and will make you make you laugh like no tomorrow; she's beautiful on the inside and out, sweet, caring, fun, great to be around, loving, good heart, athletic, sexy, wild, crazy, loves everyone, great to talk to, knows how to keep secrets, and the best girl a guy could ask for
C. Morg is from your wonderful boyfrend haha, i love you.
by T. Tuna August 3, 2007
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funniest fuck you’ll ever meet, that’s it 😜 bye xxxx
morg defined means that she’s funny and funny means you will laugh until you die

person: who is morgan?

person: morgan is a funny fuck duh she is so funny that you will die xx and she’s not aidans 😜
by corey’s mum April 10, 2022
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Otherwise known as the maternal organism. A mother who is not there for her child or who treats her child as an object
The Morg blocked me on Facebook... I guess that means she’s done with me
by daintystranger May 10, 2021
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A YT ( you tuber ) that looks like an orange fish finger.
Lets go watch Morgs on you tube he looks like a an orange fish finger.
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