Go spelt wrong. Used when people type go go go go go really fast.
go go gog ogg g ogggogoggggo gog ggoggggo go
by qwv May 28, 2005
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a reference to the arabian goggles
but not literal. can be used in any situation where something is not going in your favor.
my mom saw my report card yesterday.. she ran the gogs!!

dude someone stole my ipod and my wallet!!! life is the gogs
by mac420dre August 11, 2009
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A God, or god, like The Dentist Bob, origins in the Nutz tribe of international geniuses. Duh.
I swear to Gog, I will finish the laundry.
by Peace December 22, 2003
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Short for “Gogget”. Typically used to describe a male who loves blowing other men to the point of gagging.

Usually pronounced with a guttural “G” to emphasize gagging sound
PERSON 1: Man, all Proc talks about is Spartacus.

PERSON 2: That, and how much he hates going down on women.

PERSON 1: Do you think he is a gogget?

PERSON 2: Oh yeah, definitely a gog.
by Eggatron November 26, 2020
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Oh my, look at that G0g devour that cucumber!
by ZaPpeh September 25, 2003
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