The act of having sex in a cave.
Most commonly performed by Ginger people.
Me: who's that fat chick?

Chris: just some whale I flintstoned.

Me: what?

Chris: flintstoning... when you shag someone in a cave!
by Ilovefatchicksincavesss June 1, 2011
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When a guy with a huge dick pulls away while his girl is on her knees blowing him and he starts swinging his big prized cock across her head, just like a prehistoric caveman would whack his woman on her head with his caveman club.
I Fred Flintstoned my bitch on her head last night...yabba dabba doo.

After I pulled a Fred Flintstone on my chick, she saw stars all night long.

Lucky my girl got no bruises on her head after I Fred Flintstoned her or I be arrested for domestic violence. shit.
by king_muscat April 16, 2010
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One who makes your bed rock, i.e. they are amazing in bed
Girl: I hear you're great in bed
Guy: This is true, my room is the G-spot, call me Mr. Flintstone, I can make your bedrock.
Girl: Let's fuck....right now
by theislamicbomb456 March 30, 2010
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Large, thick, wide feet that look even bigger when a person is barefoot or wearing sandals. feet, foot, Flintstones, cartoon, bigfoot, sasquatch feet
Did you see that guy's Flintstone feet, he must have his shoes made.
by joecoolthefool May 19, 2016
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Having large, flat and basically impervious feet that can be used to walk on anything, stomp out fires or stop cars.
" why didn't you tell me there was rocks in the back yard? I walked on that without my shoes!"

" Rocks?"

" Oh, I forgot you have Flintstone Feet"
by Briesie July 20, 2014
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The act of not wearing shoes, anywhere you go, weather it be by accident or on purpose.
"Man, I lost my sandals like a week ago, and I've been going flintstone ever since!"

"Some one barfed on my shoes @ the rave last night, I had to go flintstone till 6 am! Do you know how disgusting that was?"

My neighbor came out of his house with an uber-rib in his hand, bbq sauce on his face and no shirt. He then walked his dog down the street going flintstone. And he wonders why we all talk about him!
by MzJaDaWeSt August 14, 2009
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