you're great

something you say to someone when he/she coughs; the "bless you" for coughs
person 1: *coughs*
person 2: you're great
person 1: thanks
by timmy-turnup May 8, 2014
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You're a great friend

The four worst words that a guy can hear.
Guy: I really like you.

Girl: Aww, thanks. I think that you're a great friend.

by ejg930 January 19, 2010
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You're a great guy

A basic phrase used by females on guys who they just don't want. The phrase should always be ignored, even in cases where it may seem as thought the female is sincere (which rarely happens).
Bob tells his friend that he thinks that Michelle likes him because she told him the following:

I want to suck you're dick

You're a great guy

I would like to date you

When we have sex I don't want you to use a condom

Although it may seem as if there are four phrases telling Bob that Michelle wants him, there are in actuality only three, for "You're a great guy" is a masic program installed in females as soon as they learn the english language and develop a desire for guys.
by LuveDeezNutz666 January 23, 2009
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