Someone who has spent 11-16 years of training after high school and over hundreds of thousands of dollars to become certified as a doctor.
Because of medical malpractice lawsuits, medicare, medicaid doctors salaries are declining.
by Geoffrey March 16, 2005
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The man who makes sure you living and in perfect health. They work 24/7 and save people's lives and what do they get? Hate
Doctor, thank you so much for giving me my life back! *tear swells up in eye*
by The Jester of Madness! September 20, 2015
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The Doctor is a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. He has a blue box called the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space), the TARDIS is a Time Machine which goes anywhere in Time And Space. Time Lords have a little thing called regeneration where the Time Lord changes appearance but keeps most mental thoughts.

To call someone "The Doctor" the individual must have extreme knowledge of one topic, so if someone was smart you'd say -
"Calm Down mate, Are you The Doctor or something"
by Klonky February 6, 2019
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a person who kills your ills with pills then kills you with bills
doctor: sir you have Diarrhea take these pills
patient: how much will it cost
doctor: 1500$
by anime slayer November 19, 2020
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n. People who get paid to feel you up and stick needle into your exposed flesh for a living. Though it sounds like a good deal, to be one, you have to waste about 8 years of your life in college plus god-knows how many more years in med school. Being a doctor takes a massive toll on your mental health- They are tasked with having to tell people when they have an incurable disease, tell people that they can't have babies, and don't forget the occasional Colonoscopy!
Child: "Wow! Doctors are so cool! I want to be doctor when I grow up, too!"

Mother: "ROFLMFAO!!!"
by superdawge October 2, 2009
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A qualified practitioner of medicine; a physician.
"If you aren't feeling better soon, we will take you to the doctor!"
by hahahahloololol April 28, 2018
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A med school graduate

Somehow commands a level of prestige in society beyond his means.
Person A: "I am a doctor"

by Pyro23 July 1, 2011
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