Someone who doesn’t have a place to belong. Who doesn’t know who they’re people are. Who doesn’t have that many real friends. Basically someone who’s different from all the rest. A divergent is left misunderstood until they find another divergent.
Isabel: She/he’s not like all of us.
Four: what is she/him?
Isabel: she/he’s a divergent.
by Mikey Parato April 1, 2022
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A series of books with too many similarities to the hunger games for my liking.
Divergent is a piece of shit.
by eden68162 October 13, 2020
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1.)A Mixture and Blend Of all genres of rock, Not sticking to certain genre, subgenre label.
2.) Combination of every type of rock n roll.
3.) A new blend of rock n roll with a divergent sound and different outlook on the perspective of music.
4.) The freedom and ability of not having to stick to the same labeled style of music.
by nirithiam September 12, 2016
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The major event in history, one makes one decision and gets the world we live in, the other, opposite choice creates a new timeline of events,

this is one of the major reasonings behind the multiverse theory
example of a Divergence Point
1956, our universe: we feared the atom,
1956, the Fallout universe: Nuclear power was embraced, instead of researching weapons, they researched its capabilities as a near limitless power source, when the Oil Wells dried up and America ran dry, manufacturers exchanged petroleum for uranium as a fuel source

Wolfenstein: WWII occurred between 1936-1948 when the Axis Powers defeated the Allies by detonating an atomic bomb in New York City, forcing the US to surrender

TWD: they live in a zombie apocalypse that started in 2010, we don't, it's 2023 and the Internet is working
by Starkaura73818 October 30, 2023
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An individual who stands out in a society of horrific proportions and who makes decisions that no one else can.
by willbarratt February 21, 2020
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Fake...aka snitch or narc someone who is not cool... Pretending to be someone that your not
Is she cool man? Nope... She's an alien divergent
by Didrah October 11, 2020
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