Used to bypass inappropriateness of saying Penis
by Band Of Koalas February 29, 2012
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Used to refer to something the name of which the speaker cannot recall, is uncertain of, or is intentionally (be it for the purposes of humor or euphemism) omitting.
Here's a doohickey and there's the dingus.

A dingus?

You know a whatchamacallit, a thingamabob...
by The Bloody Tyrant June 7, 2011
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The word Dingus is a derogatory term for a 'pongus' or an act of severe stupidity, the word dingus can also be used to describe someones inability to play csgo.
Example 1 -

Emenjay - 'Hey pongo how do you spell dwarf?'

Pongo - 'D-W-O-O-R-F'

Emenjay - 'Ah pongo your such a dingus'


Example 2 -

(Gee is playing csgo and fails to kill an enemy)

Gee - 'Fuck these 60 tick servers!!!!'

Gee's Mum - 'Ewan thats a penny in the swear jar!!!!'

Emenjay - 'Ah Gee your such a dingus'
by Emenjay December 23, 2016
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Dingus comes from the German word Dinges meaning "Thing"
by Johnnie December 2, 2004
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I want to touch your dingus.

word on the street is that you have a pretty huge dingus.

put your dingus inside of me.

your dingus tastes like watermelon.
by hole7382902 March 4, 2014
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1. n. A stupid person, or a person who is a dork.
2. n. An unknown object.

plural dingii
1. Kevin is such a dingus!

2. So what is that dingus?
by Jb Hook May 14, 2002
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A dinguth ith thomebody that thpeaks with a lithp due to the retainer that they have to conthithtently wear. A dinguth will often try to hide their dinguth nature with a calm and collected facade, conthtantly holding back their quirky and thpathtic nature. Dinguthes are naturally very clumthy and are always tripping over rugs or mats. Though a dinguth may have you shaking your head from time to time, their quirky and clumthy nature can alwayth make you laugh. See turkey.
Swoll guy Matt: Hey Jocelyn, have you seen my insane gains?
Jocelyn: Yeah I thaw you flexing and tripped over a rug and almost lotht my retainer!
Swoll guy Matt: You're such dingus!
by Sporkaphobic July 2, 2015
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