How the word "ask" is pronounced in the year 3000.
Fry: "You know, this'll be my first X-Mas away from home."
Leela-: "Hey hey, let me ax you something. Would it cheer you up if we went and cut down an X-Mas tree?"
by MontgomeryGator February 2, 2007
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A person with hatred and likes to hate on poeple. This name shows a dark story of a person
What the!! he is such an axe!!!
by Mt olo July 23, 2019
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A really bad smelling deoderant and cologne company. Guys THINK girls love it, but they put on too much and smell TERRIBLE! If you want to wear it, BEWARE!
Joe wears Axe to try to make me go out with him. I think it smells weird. I just love him for HIM!
by Natizzle December 31, 2005
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A scent that is over used in school hallways to the point that you can smell it from the other side of said school.
Me: Did you wear axe today?

Friend: Yes! How did you know?

Me: I could smell it from the other side of the school! It made me gag!
by Zuehlke December 30, 2005
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How some ghetto-dwellers say the word, "ask."

It is sometimes used as part of speech when talking in ebonics (yes, it is most frequently spoken this way rather than being written this way). It is definitely one way to butcher the English language -- albiet only a single word of it. :-(
{Tina}: Edward, may I axe you a question?
{Edward}: Don't you mean, "may I ASK you a question?"
{Tina}: That's what I just said! Can I axe you what all of those blown rubbers are doing on the bedroom floor every Saturday morning?

Be sure to axe about the bloody ask in the trunk. ;-)
by Telephony August 5, 2012
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v. axed, axing

1. To put a question to
2. To make a request of
3. To require or call for as a price or condition
4. To expect or demand

syn. for ask
1. When I realized my hunnie-sack was missing, I axed Lorenzo where it was.
2. I axed my ho to smoke my shaft.
3. I axed Bennie how much was that deuce-deuce.
4. I axed you once I ain't gonna axe you again.
by thug4life October 3, 2002
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when you spray someone with an axe can while they're sleeping
Yaeger exclaimed, "Go fuck yourself Tommy," after burke was axeing him all night
by Poop5 September 14, 2007
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