Edwardo DOES NOT like Kayla and he DOES NOT want to be with her. ANDDDD he likes other girls!!!!!
Take a chill pill you dingus!
by Kk_kkb July 12, 2022
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Its the thing Indians prescribe people when they're confused which white man is Mr MacAdams.
Indian guy: Mr McAdams, take a chill pill.

White guy: but I'm not Mr Mcadams!
by ThirstyCrow132 March 11, 2022
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- Shit, this ledge is way too narrow...
- Take courage, man, don't be a fucking pussy!
by DrVikTroll June 8, 2015
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To be (deeply) hurt by criticism from someone.
On the morning after Taylor and Carl's acrimonious break-up, Taylor felt terrible for her downright venomous attitude towards Carl and hoped that he didn't take it to heart. But alas, he did; that morning, he was found dead in an apparent suicide.
by Someone who kinda exists August 14, 2021
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The act of getting ass plowed by another he or she or he-she. This also refers to consuming narcotics by cramming them up your poop shoot.
My Tinder date be taking it in the Tonka. She ain’t gonna be walking straight for a week.

Also reference :

I took a Perc in the Tonka, that’s it money.
by Marion Cobretti Esq. November 22, 2022