613 definitions by Someone who kinda exists

Bad Seed

A person (or animal) who is inherently bad or "evil" by nature. The term became more widely used in the late 1950s when the novel and film (both of the same name) depicting an 8-year-old girl who is...a little shit, to put it bluntly, became popular.
Every species has a bad seed from time to time.

Yes, even dogs.
by Someone who kinda exists March 18, 2023
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Falling Out

An acrimonious quarrel or argument between two people that usually results in estrangement. The two people in question must always be extremely close; i.e best friends or family members. It can also be more than two, although that doesn't happen very often.

There are two possible outcomes of a falling-out:

-The friends will no longer be on speaking terms for awhile, but eventually reconcile.

-The friends will no longer be on speaking terms. Period.
"Did you hear Alan and Blake are no longer friends?"

"What? I thought they were inseparable!"

"Not really...they had a falling out after finding out that Alan's girlfriend was cheating on him with Blake."
by Someone who kinda exists June 27, 2021
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Impossible Stealth

Ridiculously exaggerated stealth where a person who is trying to be sneaky either:

A. Does sneaky maneuvers that should be physically impossible, or
B. Is incredibly stealthy without even trying.
In Fallout 76, an extreme stealth build can often achieve the type B version of impossible stealth, as enemies will often right past you and will not shoot you, as long as you're crouching. Enemies can also be actively shooting at you and attacking them will still count as a sneak attack, if you're doing it correctly.
by Someone who kinda exists January 8, 2023
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Horny Jail

Where the FBI takes you when a lewd artist forgets to say "All characters are portrayed as being eighteen or older."

"You're going to Horny Jail!"

"No! I didn't know she was only sixteen! I was just on Deviantart and the artist forgot to say that the characters were aged up!"
by Someone who kinda exists August 17, 2021
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National Treasure

A blasphemous term for a person who is extremely well-liked by everyone.
by Someone who kinda exists September 6, 2021
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John Nonny & Dan Shaba

Two guys who used to make puns together and became famous as "The Pun Guys." Now they ran out of ideas and they just do whatever random crap they want, occasionally with puns sprinkled in to remind you that they used to be the most legendary pun-making group on the Internet.
Remember when John Nonny & Dan Shaba made puns?
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Early Grave

A tragically young death, typically at or below the age of 40 or 50.

There's quite a few variations of the phrase. "Digging yourself an early grave", "Meeting an early grave", and "Driving someone into an early grave", to name a few.
1. Rhonda's son, Carson dug himself an early grave at the age of 29, thanks to his drug abuse and alcoholism.

2. Michael and Paula had a son named Harry, who met an early grave at the tender age of eight, due to leukemia.

3. Earl's job forced him to work odd hours, resulting in severe sleep deprivation. He aged very poorly as a result, and it ultimately drove him into an early grave at the age of 36.
by Someone who kinda exists December 7, 2020
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