The teacher of a computer class. They tend to block gaming websites unless they are educational gaming websites. They don't trust ANY of the kids with computers, Especially the kid who gave the computers a virus 3 years ago that has repeatedly told the teacher it was an accident

(This was just made to make fun of my computer teacher)
Guy: Bro my computer teacher is so strict
by datbroneo October 7, 2020
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Arti for teacher is literally the mostly important campaign ever, he deserves teacher and would do an amazing job at it!
Hey guys have you heard of the arti for teacher campaign, its freaking awesome!
by ARTIFORTEACHER November 13, 2020
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A 1984 hit for Van Halen, from the album 1984. It describes a feeling many school kids experience. The video expresses that emotion. The phrase pretty much explains itself.
Gene: Look at Miss Sheridan. She is stacked, dude!

Kenny: Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad
I'm hot for teacher
I got it bad, so bad
I'm hot for teacher
by I Saw U2 Live Twice September 21, 2007
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(n) The result of drinking copious amounts of Teacher's scotch whiskey the previous night: A massive hangover characterized by a pounding headache, hunger for fatty foods, and the loss of any will to live.
Ben: I want it all to end
Kyle: Why?
Ben: I have a horrible case of teacher's revenge.
by Flat7 October 28, 2009
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A teacher that either dresses Dgaf and/or as a Dgaf attitude. These teachers are the teachers who let you text in class, talk, and listen to your iPod. If your lucky, your teacher will even let you use his/her computer.
Nick: Ugh I hate my study hall its so boring.

Natha: I love mine, we got Mrs. Boat, shes totally a Dgaf teacher.
by dats2dope December 16, 2009
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Every high school boys' fantasy. A teacher that will have sex with him.
Jake: Man Mrs. Johnson looks like a great piece of ass. I would totally do her!

Cody: I fucked her after school last week! She was damn fine.

Jake: You tapped that?!?

Cody: Yeah. Haven't you ever had a teacher with benefits? It's awesome!!!
by rogerthewhale September 11, 2011
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Teacher fetish begins when you've got a hot teacher that's as hot as a hot cup of expresso..... Especially, when he's flirting with you a lot.
Me: I have got a super hot physics teacher that openly flirts with me.
Friend: Seems like you like him.
Me: I also freaking love the chemistry teacher's eyes. He got the best eyes!
Friend: You like both of them?
Me: Last night, I had a dream about him(another guy) as my smexy English Teacher.
Friend: Girl, you have got a teacher fetish.

*can be the opposite for boys, or well gays, lesbians, etc*
by Awesome pumpkin ✌ November 30, 2014
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