chavs, chivvies, charvers, townies, scroats, dill holes, kevs, neds, scallies, wankers, pikies, hardos, jippos
I guess they're just dirty, loud, ugly, stupid arseholes that threaten, fight, cause trouble, impregnate 14 year olds, ask for money, ask for fags, try and sell stolen phones, steal your phones, wear crap sports wear, drink cheap cider and generally spread their hate.

all chavs are scum and shoul be beaten with sticks and/or killed and wiped of the surface of the earth
by chav h8a 2005 September 17, 2005
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Comes from a police term:
"Council House Associated Violence". Basically anything that's gained or has the potential to gain an Anti-Social Behaviour Order. Too young to prosecute fully, too old for a plain and simple slap - unless you know somewhere really dark you can lure him to first >;¬)
A 14 year old burberry and "bling" clad vandal/gangster wannabe who belongs to parents that are probably too busy to pay attention to little "Kev" except when the police knock the door because he's TWOC'rd next door's car again , causing the likelihood of an ASBO and them all getting evicted.
Kevchav has a 13 year old girlfriend called Chantelle who's pregnant, yet they still spend their pocket money on carlsberg, fags and chewing gum.
by sistercrow June 30, 2005
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Lowest form of life on planet, with maybe the exception of their parents. Bred in caravans, the elite pikeys may have council houses. EVERYONE hates chavs, EVERYONE.
Bex (is that how to really spell your name you illiterate fuck) and Gem each have two children and they are both still below the age of consent. They are fucking chavs. You cunting chavs need to stop being poncing little fucks and die. Pricks. Bex and Gem - Give me a call, I have a bag of grapes and reckon I could fuck your pikey asses in exchange. Then you can jump through your fucking earings to celebrate - you dogs.
by Steve March 8, 2004
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They enjoy partaking in antisocial behavior,
They enjoy white lightening
They tuck their tracksuits into their socks to save money if they become ankle swingers,
They are more hated than any other social group in the UK
Lets stand on a street corner and drink white lightening while shouting abuse at some old lady through a stolen traffic cone
by Snitchio June 11, 2005
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a person that wears clothes that look like pajamas every day of the week until the dirt intergrates its self in to the material(im mean gross). they normaly live in council estates. chavs will never pick a fight unless they outnumber that person 5 to 1. most chavs wear burberry (a realy shit checked pattern) which looks crap. the only thing worse than burberry is fake burberry which is for those chavs to cheap to buy the real thing!chavs are totally unreasonable. avoid chavs at all cost if you do encounter a chav on his own u will fine as at the sight of you he will have craped him self but be warned if you meet a group of chavs you will be challenge the best thing to do in this situation is to punch the one that challenges you his "mates" shall then shit them selves and run away.
chavs will shorten words like "isnt it" to "n it" and "brother" to "bruv"
by Dave February 17, 2004
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Ahh chavs...
Well, i believe that chavs are a bit like toilet paper...full of shit! So most people hate townies, chavs, kevs (numerous names for them) and so do i. They have no respect for any human being, property or laws at all. Basically they suck. They suck heaving great ballS! They uses phrases such as "u got 'ne fags bruv?" and "you beefin me boys??" etc. Basically they're complete toss the lord rid the world of these vile beings once and for all!
"Innit bruv innit, look at dose grungies ova der innint. les go beef um up!"
by Nicky Hatten January 14, 2004
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