When 2 men jerk each other off and get cum on each other’s hands, and then high five afterword.
Hey man I’m kinda horny, do you wanna give each other a wet high five?
by Gfhiyh June 23, 2018
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You are legit clapping your hands together, but slowly.
"Woah you did amazing at practice today!"
"Thanks, man, I was glad, I hope you were High Fiving Yourself there"
"Of course dude!"
by October 7, 2020
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When you walk out of a sales meeting with your colleague and you high five in the parking lot, thinking you closed the deal, only to never hear from the client again.
Don't parking lot high five me bro. They didn't sign the contract yet!
by Felix Samadi September 17, 2020
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a move involving two couples having sex at the same time and in the same room, ideally. After round one, the men get up to go to the other bed; they meet at the midpoint of these two ladies beds, high five, and shout 'Switch'. then the sex continues for round two with a new partner. repeat as needed.
Ashley: 'after this we should high five and switch!'

Chad: 'I think i tired Ashley out to much for round 2.'

Brad: 'ooOO' '............alright alright I'm ready lets go.'

Chad: high five! (smack)

Brad and Chad: 'SWITCH'
by dirtydiana666 April 12, 2011
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I came home early from work and My roommate was giving another dude the homo high five.
by Shaun ness November 17, 2014
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When you do a girl from both sides and high five the guy on the other side while you're doing her.
Me and my boy gonna do a high five pyramid on her.
by Jay Khat January 7, 2012
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