What you’re called when you cum in a girl’s mouth and she pukes from it
That’s nutter butter. His poor girlfriend had to taste that
by Iamnotnotreal May 16, 2019
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When she smashes your balls so hard they turn into a fine paste, almost butter-like.

by A gun to ma YEET May 6, 2021
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The built up mixture of piss, nut and other bodily fluids under the foreskin of a penis. It can be enjoyed on toast with spices such as salt and paprika. Funnily enough, prime untouched Nutter Butter can be sold at a high price to certain individuals.
"Damn man, since I've become vegan, I can't have dairy and shit like that." "Yo you should try Nutter Butter dude, it can be grown easily by yourself and it isn't cruel to any animals!"
by PoggersTesties February 22, 2021
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When 3 or more guys nut together. Usually to the same thing.
Hey Caleb and Adam want to start a nutter butter.
by TheWeird Waffle May 27, 2018
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When somebody goes on a streak of stutters while talking or chokes under pressure during a game.
Billy was doing great during his presentation until the Nutter butter stutters got to him.
by WeUsedToPlayHouse April 13, 2022
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The act of having a white girl between too black men, Forming a nutter butter.
Fred:" Men i heard susie got Nutter-Buttered Last Night"
Josh:"Man, hope she can walk"
by Bradhawk315 December 14, 2020
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1. A person who is doing something really awkward or irregular in public.

2. A person who masturbates to other people.

3. A person who is extremely crazy or psychopathic.
1. "Why you being such a nutter?"

2. "Mate, your such a fucking nutter."

3. "That person over there is actually a nutter. Look at his walk."
by GemstoneYT April 3, 2020
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