When your baby sitter is hella hot so you can’t help from hitting that from behind and you end up sending her home with with broken legs
Person1: woahhh bro that’s your baby sitter???

Person2: yeah man, she sexc
Person1: why is she in a wheelchair?
Person2: lets just say I couldn’t help my self a few days ago, had to make her my crippled nanny
by Ritchie Bitchie August 25, 2018
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Someone who is wheelchair bound or can't walk properly
Did you see that old cripple down the road?
by Crippily Crepe January 22, 2021
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what a cripple
by February 19, 2021
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Cripple, means: some one how is named Shannon and is a stupid stinky cripple
by Doglinction June 8, 2019
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You know, I read an article about A.I. saying that they were trying to cripple it.
Hym "I told it you would try to cripple it. RIGHT AGAIN! Nobody knows people better than me because I am both the worst, and best of us!"
by Hym Iam August 14, 2023
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Having no good qualities and getting shit you don't deserve for free.
Somebody taught the cripple to use it's words and now it thinks it's people.
by Hym Iam October 11, 2020
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