The dried pond scum that accumulates at the edge of the human gene pool.
The world would be a better place if all Feminem fans would be jettisoned into Jupiter.
by angry October 6, 2003
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A person who listens to rap/hip-hop music who dislikes when an eminem worshipper (usually a child between the ages of 10-18) with very little knowledge of rap/hip-hop music claims that eminem is either "the greatest rapper alive" or "the greatest rapper of all time". This person proceeds to state facts about rap/hip-hop proving that eminem is not the greatest, this breaks the eminem worshippers heart causing the worshipper to label the other person an "eminem hater".
*Rap Fan sits on bench next to eminem worshipper as they wait for the subway*
Rap Fan: "Sup man how's it going?"
eminem worshipper: "Thuper, thankth for athking."
Rap Fan: "Aww hell no."
eminem worshipper: "OMG! eminem's new cd is fabulous! Love the way you lie is my new fave. Rihanna's voice is so cute in that song! Eminem is the greatest rapper of all time!"
Rap Fan: "WTF! He's nowhere near the greatest! Percee P, Inspektah Deck, Big L, Rakim, Nas, and Supernatural are all better than him and I'm just getting started. If they are better than him how can he be the greatest?"
eminem worshipper: "You're just an eminem hater."
Rap Fan: "Oh, is that what it's called when you listen to rap because you like it, not because it's what's trendy right now?"
by ConnoisseurOfRap January 14, 2011
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When you see someone driving in their car and singing along to an eminem song. You can't hear their words, but you know it's an eminem song because it's so loud.
homeboy 1 - "Look at that girl in the car next to us! She's chewing eminems!"

homeboy 2 - "i love his new song"
by Hood Hempster March 1, 2011
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A douche bag. likely a rascist; BUT TO THE OTHER KID WHO MADE A DEFINITION TO THIS:
fuck soulja boy and Flo Rida. but wtf do u know about lil wayne!?! ive heard all the eminem you talked about and the shits tight but in my opinion Lil Wayne is the fuckin best rapper alive! (lyrically, not musically) so ur the fuckin hater!!! i know lolipop is some shit but go on youtube and explore some lil wayne shit. if you find the right songs, his swag should reach out of the computer and smack you with its dick! respond if u got somthin to say.
eminem haters are retarded. but lil wayne haters are even worse!
by therealfukintruth November 18, 2010
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Encore by Eminem refers to a horrible album made after a line of great albums, that only has a few redeeming tracks.
"Dude did you hear Minecraft Steve's new mixtapes, it was Encore by Eminem."
by Not Edd/Spongey Things/eddsfan January 26, 2020
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An armadillo currently found on the Southern border of Mississippi.
Dang, Cletus! That Eminem Show is a reaaal hoot!
by JOSHY May 18, 2003
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