Really, all laws are made up, since they are a creation of humans.
When people tell you they can't make this stuff up in reference to laws being passed, they're full of shit, laws are made up and written all the time.
by Solid Mantis July 19, 2020
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The thing that holds people back from thier dreams and is rules for nerds
Police: by the name of the law let the hostages go!
Smart person: you can’t make me blah
by Carl the thinker January 7, 2023
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i broke the law yesterday but it’s no biggie
by thottie911 May 21, 2020
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A literal child that must be protected at all costs he's so innocent.
by banri July 23, 2022
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(verb) When someone panics when things get difficult or are close to death in a Video Game.
Was playing Super Mario last night and I totally Law'd it when I was fighting bowser and died. It sucked
by BigBear87 July 25, 2021
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Plain and Simple. Laugh at Will you mofos.
The law will never know what hit them when we all become law abiding citizens.

v. Lylah just lawed all over the place when Coco disliked the taste of his morning Herbal Tea.
by NaughtySiren December 17, 2018
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When you do stupid, illogical, ignorant, irrational, shit. YOU GO TO FUCKING PRISON. Like killing an infant, Eating animals from a grave, raping women, and the whole nine yards.
I fucked up, The Law is going to arrest me, duh!
by JustinLaw1986! January 10, 2020
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