One of the reasons your computer or mobile phone has to be taken into ICU because you mistakenly clicked on a dodgy advert on Pornhub and now your device has been infected with Pornovirus.
Jack went to watch porn and his device got pornovirus, and had to tell mummy and daddy about it then they recorded themselves spanking him for bring a naughty boi, posted the video on pornhub as a punishment.
by Rotten Turkey March 7, 2021
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An evil invention that is degrading to both men and women alike even though people often say its degrading to women. Overtime, it can become an addiction and whether you'd like to admit it or not it does have negative affects on a person's mind even if only subconsciously. It creates unrealistic expectations of sex and ruins relationships and destroys marriages. Sometimes the people in the videos may even have been sex-trafficed which is yet another reason it is bad. If, however you struggle with watching porn don't feel ashamed because we all mess up, you can get help, you're not in this alone!
Man, I wish my wife was as hot as those chicks in porn and could give head as good as them, maybe it's just time to file for divorce and find someone better.
by I_am_me_3 December 31, 2020
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porn is used by british gang stas often known as roadmen and its definition is you are so kind
you are so porn by caring my bag
by dildo231343 January 10, 2022
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A spawn of Satan that has enslaved countless individuals. People claim it’s an expression of “healthy sexuality,” but the countless negative side effects prove the contrary. Erectile dysfunction, loss of your dignity, dehumanization of other people, creation of sick fetishes, loss of sleep, depression, destruction of healthy relationships in your life, loss of money, gateway drug to pedophilia and beastiality, enslavement of your body mind and soul. Nothing could possibly be more destructive than this….
Porn is a disease, a modern day epidemic. Everyone you know is addicted to porn. It’s part of the reason everyone wants to commit suicide.
by God_help_me January 6, 2023
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Who doesn't watch it. Lana Rhoades Tits and her round ass is something my Penis would be satisfied with .I have a huge addiction call help please.
I watch porn so I can jerk off without dad doing it for me... wait no I don't mean it like that!
by Hoe u doin lol October 15, 2020
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Hmm.. have you ever considered touching grass..?

Being Bored enough to search up "porn"
Perhaps try doing anything else other than sitting wherever you are and searching random Shit on this urban dictionary website

Have a good day.
Person: let me search up porn for some fucking reason
Person: well shit
by Weiss Schnee Deez nuts May 15, 2022
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the thing you watch when your parents are at work.
"Bro i'm gonna hang up and watch some porn.
by applejackspeople October 18, 2023
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