A stereotypical country boy who loves to dance on camera with a fucking banjo.
If you're asking for his age, uhh. Sorry bout' that.
Grandpa Jones is my favourite musician! - Some british person
by this is my pseudonym. barkbark October 26, 2022
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When an elderly gentleman requires a young padwan to scrape the dried juices from his underpants with the use of their tongue
“Who’s going to to codge grandpas butter tonight?”

“I love codging grandpas butter, it gives me the nutrients I need to be an effective citizen
by Ne1hypinup fdx May 27, 2023
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grandpas dick can not get hard any more and grandma is getting pissed off so grandpa takes Viagra to get it hard tell your significant other this if they have erectile dysfunction
(grandma from other room) grandpa cant get it up can you now
by WalmartIsNOToverrated December 25, 2022
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A bi-annual holiday, taking place on November 10th and March 3rd, where all grandpas must play FPS Games with any zoomers in there family.

Games such as candy crush are not allowed during GGG.
"He was forced to play COD, due to Good Game Grandpa!"
by dio roadroller November 6, 2019
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Grandpa white is a stinky faggot that drives around in a van passing out jolly rancher's That make men fall asleep do he can shit on there chest and make them fart on his dick.
Grandpa white why dose my ass always hurt after I eat your special home made jolly ranchers And why do you have a jolly ranchers tattooed on your palm .
by Bakersfield Buck July 1, 2018
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When you soak your hand in ice water till it turns wrinkly cold and numb and then masterbate with that hand.
Was feeling real bored last night and gave myself a dead grandpa....I really miss him.
by Hahaha bad July 14, 2023
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A superhero like no other. Because of his age his testicles droop to his ankles so he generates static electricity,and a lot of it, by simply walking due to his fuzzy yamsack. Or scuffing his feet in his wheel chair(he has a wheel chair because reasons). Senile grandpa by day and static slinging superhero by day. Note it's also quite creepy to be touched by this grandpa. Even more so than a normal grandpa
"Who's your favorite superhero?"
"Grandpa staticballs"
by The viking May 27, 2014
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