School, is one form of prison. Like, how the fuck do kids go their without getting anxiety. Almost nobody uses algebra in their jobs, but yet people have to spend 12 years in hell about numbers. And nobody, ever, uses proper English, but why do we learn it? I just can't ugh.
I can't take it no more.

School is just too fucking hard.
by Sassy_Sykes August 20, 2014
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Hell on Earth: there is a disgusting mess of a human that is probably over the age of 90 controlling this despicable place. You are forced into physical labour by calculating how many oranges Sam has. You get boulders thrown at you and you are supposed so dodge them, only you'll get purposely hit in the face by them because your teacher wants you dead. Also, any room you enter is controlled by this nasty girl called HIV and her army of paedophile drama teachers.
Bob: School is so gross I actually can't believe it.
Gertrude: I know right, I hate it.
by soap suds in my soda March 14, 2020
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A place where you meet your favorite people who will go through the worst experiences with you. It causes breakdowns and people on the brink on the regular because of the overwhelming stress. From that stress, the people you meet will stay with you forever because they’ve seen you at your worst. It’s full of useless lessons, but once in the four years, you’ll have a lesson that teaches you something about the real world.
Where you were all day?


Did you learn anything?

by Truther07351 November 15, 2017
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L-Lives wasted on unknown knowledge.
Example of the stupidity of teachers in schools these days

Teacher: Tell me an example of a creature who can live on land as well as water?
Student: Frog
Teacher: Good. But give me another example, please
Student: Another Frog..!
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The place that parents send their children to were their rights as humans are stripped from them.

In the moronic cesspit that most refer to school, teachers (who only care about money and time off ) shove random shit down your throat that you’ll never remember and hand out punishment if you speak out. The people they call teachers enjoy pretending they care about your mental health and well-being when really they don’t give a fresh fuck. They convince the world that they care about the education of children, and have been fooling parents since it’s invention in 1635. And as if 6-7 hours of painful torture wasn’t enough, they send you home with more pointless crap to do instead of following your passions.
Dead-ass, if school does anything other than stress people out then let me know
by Eevee😚✌️ March 12, 2021
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1. The place you go to learn
2. The place you go to get away from your psycho family

3. The place you go to see your friends
4. The place you go to die
1. School is my only haven
2. School is a living nightmare
by GL/GT/FT/H/TSV March 14, 2017
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Nerd: School is SO fun!
by Astoria Greengrass February 23, 2017
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