An otherwise non technically savvy wife who makes attempts to use internet language and words from urban dictionary but consistenly makes errors in the spelling or usage and ends up making a fool of herself.

Husband: Hey darling, how's it going?

Wife: LOL, I'm srsly going up the duff on this laundry and I've m'bah dinner for you.

Husband: Ah, my AOL wife strikes again!
by Tina123456 January 14, 2008
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A typing language similar to hacker speak where you replace normal letters with their innacurate and altogether fucked up counter parts. Often used in conjunction with Caps Speak, where every second letter is capitalized (example LoL tAhT iS SoOoOoO kYuElL). Unendingly irritating and pointless since you can type out what you're trying to say with regular uncapitalized letters faster and with greater understanding of their meaning.
A typical MSN conversation:
"?Ó?§ §çhÖø£¿"
"Dude, don't use AOL speak..."
by realmcmeal January 16, 2004
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A form of communication originally created by 12 year old girls using AOL Instant Messenger. Unfortunately this form of communication has spread and is now widely used, and is the parent language of other forms - such as leet (1337), and txt-spk.
lol, rofl, lmfao, roflcopter, omg!!!111"1!, omfg!!1!212!!1one, wot, wat, hu, lo, wtf, fo, and so on...
by Purple Man May 16, 2005
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Absolute dregs of the Internet. I have been to thousands and thousands of websites and I have NEVER seen a creature more detestable than an AOL user.
AOL users should be fed to a bunch of alligators - feet first to prolong their suffering.
by Mr. Blond April 30, 2008
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Sex online.
Girl inserts a disk like object into her vigina.
Guy holds a fake vigina.
Guy thrusts into fake vigina and dildo comes out of disk like object in girls vigina.

Must be pluged into a USB Port!
Have sex online using AOL-IP.
AOL-IP stands for american online-instant pleasure.
by FireyDevil0 March 6, 2007
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A no life bum. Spends 24/7 in chatrooms and making profiles with gay shit like ascii art.
by Desiru March 10, 2003
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