what my nan makes its 50-60%! seriously make you go blind drunk after 1 shot
me: hey look what my nan made
barry: what is it?
me: called rocket fuel its pretty much turpentine
barry: great lets have some
barry: holy shit!! "cough" "cough"
me: i cant see
by tim_howell November 6, 2007
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Australian usage: an alcoholic beverage made from whatever ingredients happen to be available
Bazza: Fuck me we're out of booze
Shaneo: Don't worry cunt I'll rack some booze from my folks' stash and make some rocket fuel
Bazza: You're a sick cunt
by KM333333 June 4, 2023
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Gasoline absorbed into cocaine and subsequently snorted.
Person 1: "Hey man, you got any rocket fuel?"

Person 2: "Yeah dude, I just bought a barrel of crude!"
by TalkingTeds April 21, 2020
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Any variety of booze commonly drunk by groups of cackling slags. Examples of cheap slag fuels are Lambrini, Lambrusco and various sugary alcopops. Regular slag fuels are white or rose wines such as Chardonnay or White Zinfandel. Then there are premium (aka high octane) slag fuels, which are Prosecco or other sparkling wine Champagne substitutes.
That bunch of slappers have clearly tanked up on some high octane slag fuel.....
by Farmer_Trev June 8, 2019
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Garrett was getting some good D-Fuel while he was on MLB The Show
by Jada? July 8, 2022
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