Monster Energy

A company that has ruined my life in the best way possible, and YOU, yes YOU need to try a monster
this is not a sponsorship for monster energy, i just have problems, no you can't judge me
by monster juice addict June 15, 2021
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Monster Energy

An energy drink that people drink to seem cool and lower class. Tastes pretty good but has been known to kill people because they take too much. Looks 'cool' for a teen to drink it but immature and retarded for an adult.
Kyle : Yo look Riley, Troy has a monster energy!
Riley: Oh yeah dude let's go up to him and see if we can air drink some of that shit
Troy: Fine guys I'll let you smell it and pour a bit into your mouth
Kyle: Dude that shit is so radical man, im gonna go smoke 5 fags then steal some monsters from the corner shop bro
Riley: yeah let's do it man
Kyle: *spits on ground*
Riley: *spits on ground*
Troy: *spits on ground*
by arandom9yearold December 1, 2018
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Monster Energy

Kyle1: U ready to shred some gnarly waves bro?
Kyle2: Hell yeah my dude, just let me down my monster energy drink.
by Wiener Drizzling August 6, 2019
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Monster Energy

The drink that cool kid 12 year olds named Kyle drink
by SweatyDonkeySwag December 2, 2019
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Monster Energy

A terrible sports drink that is just as healthy as battery acid
Monster Energy is fucking terrible
by wweeer November 23, 2020
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Monster Energy

The official drink of tools, douche bags, and white trash.
"Hey that guy over there is such a tool"
"No shit, didn't you see, he's drinking Monster Energy!"
by thetruth5401 July 13, 2009
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Monster energy drink

Monster energy drink is an energy drink that taste ok, and is very cool and kind of cheap. It used to be $2.00 a can, but now it's $2.50. Red bull taste better, but Monster gives you twice the beverage size (16oz) and twice the energy for the same price as Redbull, which is $2.50 a 8oz can. Redbull cost $2.75 now for a 8oz can. Monster energy drink has caffeine and B vitamins and comes in many flavors and is usually low carb unless you get the regular Monster. The low carb varieties are usually Monster ultra something. Venom energy drink used to be $1.00, but now it's $1.25.

Modafinil and Armodafinil keeps you awake better than all the coffee in the world and without jitteriness or anxiety, but it doesn't give you energy or confidence, just effective wakefulness. Monster is more like for energy.
Tyler: I'm casterboarding!

*drinks monster ultra peach.

Tyler: Woo hoo! This is good Monster energy drink.
by HawaiianPunch1 March 14, 2023
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