A sport played by a group of lesbians which the players must score try's, conversions and penalties in order to win whilst the opposing team must try to do the same.

The sport is normally observed by creepy divorced men and people who like rugby a little 'too much.' The reason nobody actually goes to women's rugby matches is because it is against the law to masturbate in public.
*player scores*
Ken: oooooooh that was good
Tom: I see I'll need to be washing that cushion again.

Ken: that's Women's Rugby for you.

Tom: you're slightly creepy.
by TheHonestBloke February 4, 2017
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Rugby High School is a secondary school in Bilton, which is shit and is made out of cardboard. If you hit a wall hard enough the whole thing will come crashing down on the shitty sports hall which was a waste of its money. It runs off of the parents money which is prompted by the daily emails begging for money in return for prostitution. It’s full of yr7s who’s skirts can’t get any longer and hair can’t get any scruffier, yr8s who are sluttier than 2012 Lindsey Lohan, yr9s who still look like yr7s because they don’t have the ability to grow, yr10s who look like they don’t give a jack shit but inside they are pissing themselves, yr11s who warm everyone with their rbfs and yr12&13 who are crack heads
rugby high school is a school full of lesbo slags
by ___rhsslag101___ September 18, 2018
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To bring one's own particular brand of drunken stupidity to an unsuspecting public resulting in physical, verbal or psychological demarches upon the individual, their friends, kin or other sectarian grouping.
Jim got so drunk friday night he shat on a dog, had sex with a carpet and passed out in a fire escape, boy was he rugby league drunk.
by The Suva Splinter August 6, 2012
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A dominant force consisting of two teams, men and women, who play the best sport ever created. These two teams are not only BOTH undefeated in their Fall 2005 seasons, but both groups are ridiculously good looking. They make the game of rugby look easy.

ps-Both teams are currently ranked second in the nation...get off us

pps-this is really just for fun and we are not this cocky, so do not take it that way :)
Who are you playing today?
Penn State Rugby:/
Oh no! I hear a girl on their team invented the sport in the womb!And the guy's team is totally fetch!
by oOhRaH November 9, 2005
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A common term used by Austrailians to refer to American Football.
"Oh! Did you see the game last night?!"
"Please! I don't watch that diet rugby crap!"
by anonymous293758 July 11, 2005
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Well its just fax. deal with it.
Person 1: Lets play league
Person 2: Ew, why tf would we want to play that, rugby league is shit
*person 1 now has no friends
by Rugby.sportssss01 May 18, 2020
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College Rugby is in fact far inferior to Grammar School rugby.
Youth 1: bro, would you rather have a college rugby player or a grammar school rugby player in a fight?

Youth 2: gotta be grammar school!
by Sorbie January 1, 2012
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