A slang term used to acknowledge that someone has AIDS.
Dude, freddy mercury got pinned with the red badge of gayness.
by gesis January 29, 2005
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When, in the act of anal sex, the recipient shits while the partner is inside of them

Additional information: Can be classified as a 'sex accident', or fetish if intentional.
Also know an Triple B, or BBB
Jimmy:I was totally going at it with this chick in a club, but she fucking shit all over my dick it was fucking disgusting!

Robert: Nice going man, You got your Brown bomber badge.

Jimmy: Always assumed I would have gotten my redwings first :/
by Adaleiz September 5, 2012
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It's when a guy does his lady up the butt, and blows his load in her belly button, with little flecks of brown poo floating in the jizz.
I had a hard time cleaning my rusty sherrifs badge after a weekend away with my boyfriend.
by Lee72 September 12, 2007
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Mancunian rhyming slang meaning 'vag' or 'vagina'
'Close your legs, I can see your chufty badge'
by SteveFries June 20, 2019
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Verb. To have anal sex; to fuck someone in the ass.
"She said the gash was off limits, so I said, 'how about I polish the rusty sheriff's badge instead?'"
by Danny Delinquent December 9, 2003
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is when you get a girl to give you a blow job whilsr humming the blue peter theme tune
get a girl to hum the blue peter theme song whilst giving you a blow job enase the phrase i got a blue peter badge last night
by michael carlo bonaccorsi July 12, 2008
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Noun- To get a handjob by the opposit sex. Usually used so said opposit sex doesn't know what's happening.

Also could mean to literally get a badge and a cupon for ice cream after the handjob.
Guy #1- So tonight I think I'm going to get a badge and a cupon for ice cream, if you know what I mean.

Guy #2- Really? Go you.

Girl- What the fuck...?
by Aftab June 18, 2006
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